As I mentioned, I am very familiar with the book The Daily Five, and have been implementing it in my kinder classroom for several years now. This year my goal is to expand on that by using the Café Book as a guide on data collection for each student as well as to teach the metacognitive strategies in the book for readers to monitor their reading. I have already set up my binder, or Pensieve (as the book refers to it) the way it is described in the book so it is ready to go for August! At the beginning of the binder is a class list. In it the teacher marks what date she will meet with that student again. This is a quick visual of how often I am meeting with each student. It will help me keep track of students that I need to meet with everyday, as well as those that may get forgotten about. It will give me information when the last time I met with a high reader was, and if I should meet with that student again. Instead of names, I put numbers on the forms because it helps me mainta...